Integrity. Honesty. Resolve.Representing Individuals and Families.

Experienced Prenuptial and Postnuptial Lawyers

Many people think pre- and postnuptial agreements are for the wealthy and those with significant assets to protect. That’s not the case – they can be useful for people in a variety of different circumstances.

We have helped couples draft such agreements for many years. We’ve helped clients across Lake County and the surrounding areas tackle issues important to their relationship and their finances. To schedule a free consultation and to discuss a premarital or postmarital agreement, contact us online today.

What A Pre/Postnuptial Agreement Can Do For You

A strong premarital agreement can help you and your future spouse decide which assets will be marital assets and which ones will remain separate. Typically, all assets and income accumulated during the marriage become marital property and are subject to equal division in the event of a divorce.

Without a premarital agreement (or with a poorly drafted one), you could be exposed to significant risk in the event of dissolution of marriage.

A postnuptial agreement functions like a prenup, except it’s drafted and executed after the marriage has occurred.

In both instances, the agreement could work for couples who:

  • Wish to keep their assets and finances separate
  • Wish to protect each other from prior debts
  • Want the peace of mind of a clearly drafted agreement

While no couple enters a marriage while thinking about an eventual divorce, planning ahead can save you both money and stress in the long run, should something unexpected occur. A clearly drafted agreement by an experienced prenup lawyer can protect your interests and allow you to enter or continue your marriage with one less issue to stress about.

Contact Our Knowledgeable Attorneys Today

We assist clients throughout Lake County, including Libertyville. If you’re interested in asking about a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, contact us online today for a free initial consultation. Call Douglas Law, A Professional Corporation, in Bannockburn, Illinois, at 847-908-3955.