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Child custody guidance when you believe your co-parent is unfit

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2024 | Child Custody |

Dealing with child-related matters like custody and support can make even a relatively simple divorce complicated. When one parent has concerns about the other’s fitness as a parent, even more complexity is likely.

Of course, your child’s safety and well-being are of paramount concern to Illinois family courts. Judges will consider custody arrangements that protect the child’s best interests, although they strongly prefer plans that give the child time with both parents.

Sole allocation of parenting responsibilities

When the court finds a parent unfit, the judge may allocate parental responsibilities to the fit parent. It gives that parent the power to make all major decisions on behalf of the child. This arrangement resembles sole child custody, a legal term Illinois no longer recognizes.

Supervised visitation

Since courts tend to prioritize child involvement with both parents, they may order supervised visitation. Such an arrangement allows the other parent to spend time with the child under the supervision of a third party. It can help maintain the parent-child bond while addressing safety concerns.

Temporary custody arrangements

The court may implement temporary custody orders while thoroughly evaluating the unfit parent’s situation. These orders give the fit parent custody and the other parent a chance to resolve their issues. It can provide immediate safety for the child and helps ensure fair treatment for parents.

Child custody decisions are complex and emotionally charged, particularly when one parent is believed unfit. While courts aim to prioritize the child’s best interests in all their decisions, legal representation can add an extra layer of protection for your children.
